BWFB Coaching Certification + Pre/Postnatal Coaching Course (Online) 全方位好孕適能國際認證(美國創辦人來台)+16小時產前訓練/產後恢復線上課程



Coaching Certification includes the following:

  • 3 hour certification training day
  • Coaching booklet
  • Certificate of completion


  • 3 小時認證培訓
  • 培訓手冊
  • 結訓證書

“Being a coach and working with pre and postnatal clients, I found Built WellTM for Birth ‘s course to be vital and necessary. What Andrew is doing is completely novel and unique to the field with his system. After finishing this course, I feel more confident with how to program for each trimester while keeping it fun and safe. Built WellTM for Birth takes a holistic approach, addressing training and breathing protocols from a scientific backing. Parents are ready to go, feeling strong and confident when their delivery day arrives. I love how this program dives into breathing techniques and how the “Push Practice” ties in gait and biomechanics, tools to take with you for the rest of your life.” – Sam H.

Sam Hagen:「作為一名陪伴客戶產前和產後訓練的教練,我發現『Built WellTM for Birth』課程非常重要且必要,創辦人Andrew正在做的事情在他的系統領域是非常新興且獨特的,上完課之後,我對於如何在三組三個月的孕期安排有趣且安全的訓練計劃感到更有信心。

Built WellTM for Birth從整體的觀點,以科學為依據制定訓練和呼吸計畫,當分娩日到來時,父母們都做好了生產的準備,他們感到堅強且自信!我喜歡這個系統深入探討呼吸的技巧,以及生產時Push的練習如何結合步態和生物力學,這樣的方法將受用一生。」

PLUS… 另外…

Everything included in our live Pre/Postnatal Coaching Course, but accessed on your own device, at your convenience.


✅We at Built Well™ for Birth have been changing the narrative on pregnancy fitness and outcomes since 2019.

→自 2019 年以來,Built Well™ for Birth 致力於打造更好的身孕適能和生產過程

✅Our story is as unique as our training methods. A young fitness entrepreneur, and an internationally renowned OBGYN combine to fill the void in the pregnancy health field.


✅We provide a one stop shop for all women to learn about the continuous changes happening, physically and mentally. Every mother’s pregnancy experience is different and we make sure our training caters to all women.


✅We’re the Built Well™ Team and continued mission is to support mothers with the pregnancy health program they deserve, prenatal-postpartum. One that is, well thought out, safe, accessible, and filled with movements designed to make pregnant women feel good! Our mission is to help mothers understand their bodies and build confidence in their pregnancy for a stronger foundation for the future. The stronger the mom, the stronger the family.

→我們是Built Well™ 團隊,我們持續的使命是為母親提供她們應得的產前產後健康計劃,這是一種經過深思熟慮、安全、方便且讓孕婦充分感覺非常良好的動作! 我們的使命是幫助母親了解自己的身體,建立對懷孕的信心,為未來奠定更堅實的基礎。當媽媽越強壯,家庭就越堅強。

BWFB Coaching Certification Information BWFB 教練認證資訊:


【課程時間】18:30~21:30 (18:15可以開始入場報到)

【課程地點】JUNGLE CENTER 叢零體適能中心 (台北市松山區光復南路1號號地下1樓)


🔸美國原廠原價:US 1000 $【含實體課程、線上產前訓練/產後恢復課程(14~16小時)、培訓手冊、BWFB認證證書】

🔸2024推廣價共折扣48%:US 527 $

🔸三人以上團報共折扣57%:US 434 $

🔸上過RWL課程、或有WeckMethod及LandmineUniversity 認證共折扣57%:US 434 $

🔺折扣連結請私訊 Instagram:rightweightleeding


【授課講師】Andrew Martinez

Built Well™ for Birth創辦人





  1. 帶領您的客戶有信心的度過孕期
  2. 了解自然運動的基本原則
  3. 產前產後健康、姿勢、呼吸、步態和核心力學
  4. 優化孕期步態,盡可能降低搖搖晃晃的走路方式
  5. 了解生產過程的準備、自然協調動作模式
  6. 使用我們的生產技術─Push PracticeLabor Flow
  7. 設計不同孕期的訓練動作與訓練計畫 (包含一對一、團體課、線上課程)




1. Built Well™保有課程變動與調整之權力

2. 課程請自行攜帶〖運動服裝、毛巾、水壺、文具、筆記本〗

3. 講義及線上課程內容,包括文字、影像、插圖、影音,嚴禁以任何方式外流、拷貝或抄襲

4. 如有未盡事宜詢問請標題『全方位好孕適能國際認證』郵件至 『 』




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